Holistic Psychotherapy for Individuals, Couples and Families
By recognizing a need and seeking help, you've made the first significant step towards change.
The best therapist serves as coach, the real change agent is you. With encouragement and compassion, I will help you to look honestly within, to clarify your personal goals and then assist you within a brief treatment model, or a slower paced, more reflective approach. Together, we will allow for issues to emerge and unfold at their appropriate pace.
To set up an appointment, please do so online via our partner, Amethyst Integrative (make sure to scroll down to the "Holistic Mental Health" section of the page) or get in touch via phone 914-719-6719 or email jenariel@infinitywellness.com.
Infinity Wellness @ Amethyst Integrative
267 Central Avenue, 1st Floor
White Plains, NY 10606
(Parking in rear of building, accessed via the driveway to the right of 273 Central Ave -- the blue house.)